Tag Archives: body wraps



The last day of December I started to experience a welling of excitement. The idea of a new year, WHOLE NEW YEAR, it seemed like a great time to embrace changes that have happened from age and time and work those changes towards health and happiness.  I set my sights on lessening our financial burdens, I set my sights on obtaining health. I am not sickly, I just feel off. I also set my sights on feeling better about how I look.

I’ve struggled my whole life with weight. It’s been more up than down. I few years ago I began to lose weight and exercise, eating well on a decent schedule.  The weight came down, but then the motivation to continue waned as the left over skin I developed was depressing and sad. I haven’t regained the weight, but I haven’t worked as hard as I could’ve knowing how much more skin I’d have to deal with.

As part of the whole package to wealth, health, happiness with self, I jumped into a new journey with It Works! Global. I dug in as a distributor as well as a customer. I am putting this out here to hold myself accountable and if I peak your interest in a journey all your own then that is awesome. I get my wraps and greens and the journey will begin in about a week. I will include before and after pictures every step. I need health, I need personal satisfaction, I need financial relief. I want you to see the changes and want them for yourself. Please stay tuned as my cocoon opens and I learn to fly.


Please follow this link to see what it’s all about. http://t-rister.myitworks.com/